सेवा शब्द बड़ा होता है। वह सेवा धर्म से भी हो तो भी छोटी होती है। सेवा की दृष्टि से हो तो बड़ी अच्छी होती है। कोई पुत्र अपने पिता की धर्मगत सेवा करे तो सूखा-सूखा होता है, प्रेमगत सेवा करे तो मीठा-मीठा होता है। कहीं भी करे।
मन से सेवा का अर्थ ही यही है- कभी-कभी किसी दूसरे का हित भी विचार करे। ये मन की सेवा है। ये एक मात्र देश है जो उद्घोष करता है-
सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः॥
ये कर्म का विशुद्ध विज्ञान है।
एक व्यक्ति समाज में बहुत सेवा करता है। अपना काम छोड़कर सेवा करता है। लोग उसकी सेवा का फायदा उठाने लगे तो उसने सेवा करनी बंद कर दी। अब तो कोई कहे तो भी वो सेवा नहीं करता।
एक दिन उसने एक संत को देखा, जो एक घर पर भिक्षा मांगने जा रहा था। जब संत उस घर पर भिक्षा मांगने गया तो घर वाले उसे धक्का देकर निकाल दिया। संत चुपचाप बाहर बैठा।
थोड़ी देर बाद जिस घर से धक्का देकर बाहर निकाला, उसी घर से एक माता दौड़ती हुई आई और कहा- मैनें सुना है मेरे बेटे के इलाज के लिए जो दवाई चाहिए वो केवल आपके पास मिल सकती है। संत ने तुरंत उसे दवाई दी।
वो व्यक्ति देख रहा था। दौड़कर आया और कहा- ये तो अभी आप को धक्का देकर बाहर निकाल रहे थे पर आप फिर भी इसकी सहायता करते हैं?
संत ने कहा- सेवा में गणित नहीं बिठाई जाती। जो कर्म के विज्ञान को समझता है वो इसे अपना दायित्व समझ कर निभाता है। एहसान समझकर इसे करता है।
इसलिए आप अपने प्रतिद्वंद्वी के लिए भी प्रार्थना करो कि ठाकुरजी! उसको सद्बुद्धि प्रदान कीजिए। वो क्यों मेरै से प्रतिस्पर्धा करके अपना समय खराब कर रहा है?
यही उसका सारभौम स्वरूप है।
।।परमाराध्य पूज्य श्रीमन् माध्व गौडेश्वर वैष्णवाचार्य श्री पुंडरीक गोस्वामी जी महाराज ।।
|| Shree Radharamanno Vijayatey ||
‘Sewa’ is a very big word. If the ‘Sewa’ is being done as part of Dharma, it is much smaller in comparison to the ‘Sewa’ done only with the sole objective of service. If a son serves his father, then it is fine from the point of view of duty but it will be very dry as it is devoid of any feeling whereas, when it is done with a feeling of love and respect it shall be full of sweetness or in other words, life!
To do the ‘Sewa’ from the heart means that you are doing it keeping in mind the pleasure of the other person. This is ‘Sewa’ filled with emotion. Ours is the country which has declared –
‘Sarvey bhavantu sukhinaha sarvey santu niramayaha: ||’
This is the pure logic of Karma!
Someone might do a lot of service for the society. He does it even at the cost of his work. When people started taking undue advantage of his service, he stopped doing it. Now, even if someone needed it or asked for it, he would refuse.
One day, he saw a Sadhu who was going for ‘Bhiksha’. When he went at the door of a house, they shooed and sent him away. The Sadhu quietly just sat down outside.
After some time, the house which had disrespected and sent him away, the lady of the house came out running and said, ‘My son is seriously ill and I have come to know that the medicine which can cure him is available with you. The Saint took out the herb from his bag and gave it to her.
The onlooker was carefully watching all this. He ran up to the Sadhu and said that these very people insulted you and shut the door on your face but you are helping these very people?
The Saint said that in ‘Sewa’ there are no ifs and but! The one who understands the intricacies of Karma, does it as a part of his duty or responsibility. He does it feeling obligated to offer his ‘Sewa’!
So, I request you that you too pray for your competitor, ‘Hey ‘Thakurji! Please grant him the right direction or power of discrimination. Why is he wasting his time and energy in unnecessarily competing with me’?
This alone is the universal aspect of ‘Sewa’!
|| Param Aaradhya Poojya Shreemann Madhv Gaudeshwara Vaishnavacharya Shree Pundrik Goswamiji Maharaj ||
श्री पुण्डरीक जी सूत्र (०२-०७-२०२३)
सेवाशब्दः महत्त्वपूर्णः अस्ति। धर्मात् सा सेवा अपि अल्पा एव । सेवादृष्ट्या यदि भवति तर्हि अतीव उत्तमम्। यदि पुत्रः पितरं धर्मेण सेवते तर्हि शुष्कं भवति, प्रेम्णा सेवते चेत् मधुरं भवति। कुत्रापि कुरु
इति हृदयात् सेवायाः अर्थः – कदाचित् परहितं विचारयतु। इति मनसः सेवा। एक एव देशः यः घोषयति-
सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिन: सर्वे सन्तु निरमाया: ॥
इति शुद्धं कर्मविज्ञानम्।
व्यक्तिः समाजस्य बहु सेवां करोति। स्वकार्यं त्यक्त्वा सः सेवां करोति। यदा जनाः तस्य सेवायाः लाभं ग्रहीतुं आरब्धवन्तः तदा सः सेवां त्यक्तवान् । इदानीं कश्चित् एवम् वदति चेदपि सः सेवां न करोति।
एकस्मिन् दिने सः एकं साधुं दक्षिणं याचयितुम् एकं गृहं गच्छन्तं दृष्टवान् । यदा साधुः तत्गृहं याचयितुम् अगच्छत् तदा परिवारजनाः तं बहिः धक्कायन्ति स्म । साधुः मौनेन बहिः उपविष्टः।
किञ्चित्कालानन्तरं यस्मात् गृहात् बहिः धृता आसीत् तस्मात् एव माता धावन्ती आगत्य अवदत् – मम पुत्रस्य चिकित्सायाम् आवश्यकं औषधं त्वया एव लभ्यते इति मया श्रुतम्। सद्यः तस्मै औषधं दत्तवान् ।
सः व्यक्तिः पश्यति स्म । सः धावन् आगत्य अवदत्- सः इदानीं एव भवन्तं बहिः धक्कायति स्म किन्तु भवन्तः अद्यापि तस्य साहाय्यं कुर्वन्ति?
साधु उवाच – गणितं सेवायां उपविष्टुं न क्रियते। कर्मविज्ञानं विज्ञाय तत् स्वदायित्वं मत्वा सम्पादयति। अनुग्रहात् करोति।
अत एव त्वं प्रतिद्वन्द्विनः अपि प्रार्थयसि ठाकुरजी! तस्मै प्रज्ञां ददातु। किमर्थं मया सह स्पर्धां कुर्वन् स्वसमयं व्यययति ?
एतत् तस्य विश्वरूपम् ।
-परमराध्य: पूज्य: श्रीमन् माध्व गौडेश्वर वैष्णवाचार्य: श्री पुण्डरीक गोस्वामी जी महाराज।